分卷阅读30 (第1/2页)
云瑶看着对方脸颊微红,知道对方大概是喝醉了,室内有些吵闹,很多东西也没有谁听得见,便由着对方说,只是听到最后,有掩耳盗铃给人识破的羞愧感,想解释什么,另一个声音却响起来了。 “你傻不傻啊,她要是喜欢顾若初早就喜欢了,要不然,像玮云瑶这样天天看着他跟别的女的好还不难过死。” 秦玥像是也喝醉了,说话有点口齿不清,却还是有些刺耳,尤其是最后一句刚好在室内切换歌之际特别响亮,人儿扎堆的那处像是也跟着停顿了一下,不过很快又被下一首歌的前奏给平复了,像是什么都没发生过一样。 “秦玥你们是不是喝醉啦,这么多年前的陈芝麻烂谷子有啥好讨论的,说一点新鲜的行吗?”她笑着拍了拍秦玥,示意对方有些过于激动了,然后一个人喝着闷酒。 不知谁点了歌之后走开了,包厢内只留着伴奏的旋律,然后有人说:“玮云瑶,你的不唱吗?” 从点歌处回来的秦玥迷迷糊糊朝自己眨了眨眼,玮云瑶上前假装生气地扼紧了对方的脖子,然后还是认命地接过话筒了。 Hello Do you remember me I am your long lost pen pal It must have been ten years ago we st wrote I don't really know what happened I guess life came in the way Let me know if you're still alive Let me know if you ever used that knife or not Hello Yes I remember you I've got a husband and two children now I work as an atant and make fairly good money I still have your letters, you used a pio write them And you would e when my tears would stain the ink And I would send you mix tapes with Kate Bush on I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters Tried to make life better than it was I still wasn't kissed at sixteen And I still need a friend There was this letter I old you this back then But it would